Our fantastic numeracy lesson in Calthorpe haven By Zara.

Today in numeracy we went to Calthorpe haven and collected data about living things. We tallied down what we could see. Some people went on Bearwood high street and tallied down what they could see and some went to Calthorpe to find what minibeasts live there. Whe picked our own questions like ‘Is there more life at Calthorpe haven or Bearwood high street? And ‘Do the leaves on the tree get bigger the higher up the tree’ and ‘what minibeasts live at Calthorpe haven?’
Tomorrow we will be putting our data into a graph. Some people are going to use a bar graph, a line graph, a pictograph or a pie chart. What was your question and what graph are you going to use?

At Calthorpe Haven we went hunting to find flowers and mini beasts we looked under rocks and logs and we found bees, spiders, wasps, worms, woodlice, ants , beetles, millipedes we also found some flowers that were daffodils, roses, bluebells, dandelions, buttercups, stinging nettles. We went there because it was part of our numeracy. We were collecting data and we were using tally charts. Five people also went to Bearwood high street to collect data on traffic. Next lesson we will draw graphs or pie charts to show our results. By 4G

15 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    shawon said,

    We saw lots of minibeasts in Calthorpe haven.

  2. 3

    Noorulain said,

    I liked to do that. 🙂 🙂

  3. 5

    Marg Yore said,

    Your Maths lessons are wonderful. I love the way you learn from real life experinces. Your teacher gives me good ideas!

    Mrs Yore

  4. 7

    Harveen said,

    It was fun when we all went to calthorpe haven because we all where helping everybody.

  5. 9

    Hermina said,

    it was a amazing at calthorpe haven I had enjoyed it so far.

  6. 10

    Aiza said,

    It was fantastic,amazing at calthorpe haven I had enjoyed it so much by looking at all suits of creatures that live there.

  7. 11

    Aiza said,

    It was fantastic,amazing at calthorpe haven I had enjoyed it so much by looking at all suits of creatures that live there.

  8. 12

    Udeshpal mann said,

    this was great 😎

    😀 😉

  9. 14

    Aiza said,

    I really enjoyed going at calthope haven I also loved collecting information over there I hope you like it to?

  10. 15

    Aiza said,

    I would like to that lesson again because i enjoyed it lot and i hope you enjoyed the
    lesson too

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